
I created this platform for you, so you can access the tools and resources necessary to help you on your fitness and health journey!

We all have gifts to share! Mine is to help women strengthen their connection to their bodies through mindful movement.  

I offer personal training, yoga, meditation, and mindset training; I am commited to helping you live your best life!!!

Live your best life by strengthening

your body, mind, and spirit!

Who am I?

That’s a pretty deep question! I could be called a mother, wife, yogi, dancer, snowboarder, meditator, teacher, friend, foodie, personal trainer, and traveler, but like you, I know I am so much more!

I have helped hundreds of women learn to connect to their bodies in a positive way and listen to what their bodies need by tuning into their energy and understanding that we are always in a different stage of the female cycle.

I have learned through my own physical successes and failures that the greatest teacher is within. Some days you’ll feel like lifting weights, while other days you’ll know it’s time for some gentle yoga.

I will invite you to strengthen your connection to the biofeedback your body is constantly giving you, so together we can create a program that works for you at this particular stage in your life.

What I offer

I’ve been a fitness and yoga instructor for over 20 years, and a personal trainer for 8 years. I also teach meditation, and healthy mindful eating practices. I offer in person and virtual personal training and yoga, and although I am not a nutritionist, I also can assist on guiding you in the right direction, as far as, food and meal plans for weight loss.


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Contact ME!

Feel free to email or send me a message on social media. I would love to connect with you!

Email me at chrissyscavezze@gmail.com

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Personal Training and Yoga by Chrissy!

Stay inspired and motivated by connecting with me through my social media sites listed below:

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